A. Status: Special Committee
B. Composition and Tenure:
The Editorial Board of the Series of Journals consists of the following persons:

The Editor-in-Chief of each of the Journals,

The Co-Editor-in-Chief of each of the Journals,

The Editor of each of the Journals,

The Associate and Consulting Editors of the journal,

The Chief Executive Officer, Headquarters Publications Director, and the Managing
Editor are Ex Officio members, without vote. Each serves as a member of the Editorial
Board for the duration of his/her term in the position indicated above
SECTION 1. The board of directors on suggestions and recommendations from the Advisory
board shall determine the general nature, number, and editorial policy and practices
of publications of the society and shall solicit recommendations on these matters
from persons in editorial positions. Maintenance of editorial standards of the society
shall be under the direction of the editor-in-chief through the various editorial
boards and committees of the society.
SECTION 2. The society shall publish official technical journals which carry papers,
official notices, committee reports, and other items of society business.
SECTION 3. The editor-in-chief shall be nominated by the Patron on recommendations
from the member or members of the Advisory Board and confirmed by the board of directors.
The term of office for the editor-in-chief shall be for 1 year and further can be
extended to 2 more years. The appointment may be terminated at any time by a two-thirds
majority vote of the voting members of the board of directors. The editor-in-chief
shall provide leadership and coordinate the approved editorial policies and practices
of all publications of the Society.
SECTION 4. Editorial boards shall be responsible for the content and quality of
the Society's journals. Each journal editorial board shall consist of the editor-in-chief,
editor, Co-Editors and such other persons as are necessary to accomplish editorial
responsibility promptly. The appointment of an editor may be terminated at any time
by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the board of directors. The
position of editor of a journal, and the appointee, shall be separate from that
of editor-in-chief.
The Editor-in-Chief of each of the Journals, on behalf of the SERS Patron, appoints
the Editor of Journals. The Editor-in-Chief may consult with the retiring Editor
and senior Associate Editors before making the recommendation. The Editor of the
journal is appointed for a term of maximum three years. All SERS journals use an
open call process for Editor. He/she serves as Chair of the Editorial Board and
exercises continuing oversight of the review and editorial processes.
Before an Editor is reappointed to a second three-year term, he/she is asked by
the appropriate society Editor-in-Chief if he/she agrees to serve another term.
Technical Editors and others will be contacted to determine whether the current
Editor has support to continue in the position and whether there are any concerns.
The Editor-in-Chief then makes a recommendation to the society Board of Directors,
who make the final approval. If the Editor has completed two terms of service (six
continuous years), does not desire to serve a second term, is terminated or non-renewed
based upon action by the Board of Directors, or is unable to continue to serve for
any reason, then an open call article will be published in SERS Annual Technical
Report. In some cases, an Interim Editor may be appointed by the Editor-in-Chief
after approval of the Board of Directors. After the closing date published in the
open call article, the Editor-in-Chief and the Executive Committee will review the
applicants and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for final approval.
The Editor appoints the journal's associate editors on behalf of the SERS Patron.
The associate editors of the journal serve for terms of maximum three years and
are eligible for reappointment for one additional term.
The Managing Editor is an employee of SERS and supervises production of the journals.
C. Functions:
1. To establish editorial procedure by which manuscripts are received, reviewed,
revised, accepted, and published, or rejected.
2. To review and process manuscripts submitted for publication in various Journals.
3. To recommend policy with respect to the journal for consideration by the SERS
4. To promote the journal with regard to subscribers, manuscript submissions, and
general visibility to Society members and others.
5. To hold a meeting of the Editorial Board during the Annual Meetings of the Society
to review the status of the journal and to prepare recommendations for the SERS
Board of Directors.
6. To assist the Editor in preparation of a written annual report to be submitted
to the SERS Board of Directors.
D. Editor’s Responsibilities:
1. The Editor of Journals appoints Associate Editors for the journal after consultation
with the Editor-in-Chief and on behalf of the SERS President. Copies of all letters
of appointment must be forwarded to the SERS President and the Headquarters Office.
2. Associate Editor appointments shall be made in sufficient time that appointees
may attend the Editorial Board meeting held at the Society’s(ies) Annual Meeting.
E. Patron Responsibilities:
The SERS Patron:
1. Exercises oversight so as to be aware of any substantive problems arising in
connection with the management of the journals and, after consultation with the
SERS Editor-in-Chief and the Editor of the journal initiates recommendations to
the Executive Committee and/or SERS Board of Directors to alleviate the problems.
2. Cooperates with the Editorial Board in its activities, as appropriate or in response
to need.